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Be bold and unhindered! My prayer for you in 2025.

Writer's picture: Amy HawkAmy Hawk

Updated: Jan 23

Dear friend,

It's 2025, and I am praying for all of us as we enter into what many consider to be an unprecedented time historically and Biblically. As you know, I believe that Donald Trump has introduced us to a new level of depravity, name-calling, bullying, division, chaos, bloodshed (on January 6), and treasonous criminal activity. That so many Christians continue to be gloss over his crimes and instability is further evidence of the powerful spiritual hold he has on them.

Trump is a dangerous false leader, and I encourage you to be bold in warning people away from idolizing him. The last verse in the Book of Acts is speaking volumes to me right now. After all Paul had been through; shipwrecks, prison, beatings, a snake bite, the betrayal of Christian brethren, and more, God graced him with the energy to continue his mission on earth with great boldness.

He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! (Acts 28:31, NIV)

(I love how the NIV puts an exclamation point at the end of this verse, which is also the end of the Book of Acts! Makes me feel better about by my possible over-use of exclamation points. I feel quite sure that Luke would even have used a few excited emoji's here, if he could have!)


With Trump back in the White House, it is more important than ever that we continue to speak truth boldly, pray for our nation's deliverance, and move forward unhindered in the individual pursuits God has given us.

I prayed just that for all of us on January 1st.


It was my great honor to speak with Tim Whitaker recently on his podcast, The New Evangelicals. (I'm hearing this is a good one to share with friends and family who still don't understand the dangers of DT. I lay it out clearly.) Here is how you can listen.

Tim and I agreed that for those of us with eyes wide open (Ephesians 5:14-16), now is not the time to be quiet. Now is the time to speak, to challenge, to urge, to warn, and to pray without ceasing.

". . . the righteous are as bold as a lion." (Proverbs 28:1)

My family and I got to enjoy the holidays together in the Maui sunshine. For a few blissful days, I didn't allow myself to think about DT or the incoming administration, and it was heaven on earth. Vacationing with kids in their young twenties is a total blast. We swam with turtles, my family surfed and windsurfed while I read on the beach (the ocean waves were more than I wanted to tackle), we all ate lots of Dole Whip and Shaved Ice, and each of us took a 24- hour turn with the Norovirus. That part wasn't so fun, but I guess if you are going to be sick, be sick amongst the palm trees. (In my daughter's case, I mean that literally, poor thing. )

My Loves.
My Loves.

Our hearts are with L.A. in this time of heartbreak and devastation. As I shared on Instagram, I know the unbelievable heartache of losing a family home. If you’ve read Six Years in the Hanoi Hilton, you might remember that my family home burned to the ground in Spokane’s Firestorm of 1991. It was completely devastating for my family. My dad lost all of his war medals, I have no yearbooks, no childhood pictures, etc. The six of us crammed into a motel room for a few weeks until my parents could find a place to rent. My mom sunk into a depression that may or may not have been the onset of the diabetes she fights to manage today. To make matters worse, our local news station got really good footage of our house burning. So that’s what they used every time they talked about it. We got to watch our home burn to the ground over and over again every night on the nightly news for months; it is still the footage they use when they talk about “Firestorm ‘91” to this day.

(This is NOT my family home, but it is eerily similar to what our home looked like engulfed in flames.)
(This is NOT my family home, but it is eerily similar to what our home looked like engulfed in flames.)

My family all survived and we are thankful. But watching this coverage brings up a lot of painful memories. My heart goes out to people in the Pacific Palisades and surrounding areas, as they experience sorrow after sorrow. May Jesus be near.


I hate to tell you this, but we are now less than one week away from the inauguration of a man who tried to overthrow our government just a few short years ago.

If there is one thing I can say to bring encouragement, it's that we are in this together. We see clearly, we are united in love and peace and unity, and we are keeping watch with Jesus. Truthfully, as dark as things seem to be, there is no place I would rather be than tucked in close, keeping watch with the Lord and with you. Please consider joining our growing community on YouTube for Bible Study and prayer, if this is something that may be of benefit to you. We can do this, friends.

Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Matthew 26:38

Keeping watch with you,


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